Reminder 📣 First event of 2024, get your tickets now!!

30 Apr by Piper

Barossa District’s very own reverse raffle where lottery excitement meets fundraising event. These are not your average raffles; the last ticket drawn takes the grand prize of $2000!!!

Second prize $1000

Third prize $500

How it will work

⁃ There will be a container with all tickets.
⁃ Tickets will be individually picked out throughout the night. If you are drawn out, you will be out of the major prize draw but maybe selected for a random prize.
⁃ The last 5 ticket holders will be asked to come up on stage (if present) and discuss if they want to split the money or continue to pull names out, if one person disagrees there will be another ticket drawn. Taking it to 4, if these 4 do not agree on splitting the prize money in some way, another ticket will be drawn.
⁃ If so, the remaining 3 people left win the money. Last to be drawn winning the $2000.

Tickets are $100 each.

You will also receive a free drink with every ticket purchased.

Purchase ticket here:

When: 7pm 11th May 2024, in the football club rooms.

It will prompt you to choose netball, football or club. By choosing netball all proceeds from that ticket purchased will go directly to netball.
By choosing football all proceeds from that ticket purchased will go directly to football.
By choosing club all proceeds from that ticket purchased will be split between both football and netball.

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